Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Moving, Welcoming and Saying Goodbye

Last week marked the week of changes here in London. The summer turned to rainy fall, my august interns left for the states, the new interns moved in and I moved to the west side of town with new roommates, Nishita, Ziva and Rachel.

Good Bye old roommies and August 2009 interns! I think that it still hasn't hit me that all these people that I have come to know and enjoy have moved away. It was like a whirlwind because it wasn't just 1 or 2 people moving across town, it was 100 people moving across the ocean.

This is my halfway marker and I'd like to take a moment to show my appreciation:

Thank you to my family and friends at home who deal with my constant calls in the middle of the day which uses up all their cell phone minutes. Thank you for still writing to me on facebook and keeping me up to date about the things that are going on in your lives.

Thank you to my new Mountbatten friends: Thanks for being there when it's been rough even though we haven't known each other that long. It's been exciting to meet everyone who each has such differenct circumstances and it's been fun to enjoy traveling and London together.

Thanks to mountbatten, for putting together this program. It's probably the only chance I would have had to work in London with so many great people and for such a prestigious company.

1 comment:

  1. Check out another Mountbatten's review of the program:
